Staying Organized in the Job Search

Staying Organized in the job search is a key component that some people don’t consider. If staying organized isn’t a natural skillset for you, there are some basics you should be aware of.

Keep track of who and when and where you are applying. This may be the most obvious tip and probably the most important. If you are a spreadsheet person, that’s great! If not, make yourself a document or note in your phone to help you keep the dates straight. That way you can also follow up around the time you said you would. (If you are unsure about what this means, check out our Tuesday Tip on Cover Letters.)

Keep the job posting. Once you land the interview this will help you prepare for it. You can use the posting to try to figure out what sort of questions might be asked. Watch our interviewing workshop here, or sign up for a live workshop here. I personally like to screenshot the posting when I apply and add it to my favorites in photos. You can also print it out and keep it, along with your other documents, in one folder.

Keep track of contacts and references. If you have contacted someone at the company, keep track of the date and what you spoke about. If you haven’t already, reach out to references and let them know about the position (you could even share the posting you saved) and a little bit about what you want them to highlight. Save the date for when you reached out to them, either in your physical or virtual folder.

Keep track of interview times and mediums. WRITE THIS DOWN! Put it in your planner, save it to your calendar in your phone, whatever it takes to keep this information straight. Be sure to also know what you’re interviewing for and prepare accordingly. If you’ve applied for similar jobs at multiple places or multiple jobs at one place, you want to keep them straight, so you don’t embarrass yourself in the interview.

Ultimately, you need to find an organization system that works for you. Even if you aren’t naturally organized, hopefully these tips will increase your chances in the job search. Email us: "Job Search Spreadsheet" and we will send you one that's already created to fill in.

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